One of my favorite videos by Tony Robbins talking about making tiny changes now to affect outcome in the future. It’s a cool mindset that has personally helped me with a lot of challenges.
Because I’m a programmer and musician and writer and researcher and all of these complicated things, I naturally tend to overthink things a lot; even come up with complicated solutions.
Part of my leadership focus this year has been to simplify things and look for uncomplicated answers. This is one of the many videos that has helped me begin training that focus.
Love Tony Robbins Dexter…Great video with a fantastic message. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Dale!
Thank you so much for this! This is a much watch video for anyone that thinks that everything isn’t going the way they desire.
This video was exactly what I needed. When he was saying about belief systems, it made me think about the blog post I just wrote: Why a Belief Change is Necessary for your Success
Check it out when you get the chance!
Great post Dexter! I love Tony Robbins… it only takes one small tweak in something to turn into greatness! So good to know, that helps me know that I’m on the right track 🙂
Thanks Danielle!