The Shark, The Rabbit, and The Jerk – How To Attack The Employee Mentality and Deal With Weak Leads

The Shark, The Rabbit, and The Jerk - How To Attack The Employee Mentality and Deal With Weak Leads
So before I begin here – a big fat disclaimer:

This post is intended for helping people who are already in a business and get what they think are weak leads, specifically if they are getting them from resumes, job sites, people responding to help-wanted ads, etc. These are just my experiences in business, what I’ve run into problem-wise, and how I overcame them to get results in my business.

This high level of consulting and coaching is specifically for the people that I work with, or people who pay for consulting, and it’s rare that I do this for anyone and everyone so please take it seriously, pay close attention to what I’m going to share, then apply what you are about to learn to your business.

How To Attack The Employee Mentality and Deal With Weak Leads

So you get into a business, you start posting ads and contacting people, you’re paying for advertising and you’re really doing as much as you can to generate leads to make sales or build your team. Along the way, people start responding, and I’ve found from experience that most people fall into one of three categories, and how you deal with them will impact your business in a huge way.

Three Types of People

You have the first type of person, (the shark), that’s looking and ready to go. We like to say they’re the right people at the right place at the right time, so a lot of training out there is built around putting out great content and marketing to find these people and they’ll get in your business or buy your product and you shouldn’t worry about the rest – which is fine. You should do that.

The second type of person, (the rabbit), who’s curious, kind of looking and will opt in to your lists, maybe ask you a few dozen questions and they may or may not get in your business. They’re kinda like rabbits. They appear timid, very cautious, will get close enough to take a nibble and they’ll either come closer or leave. There is a way to deal with them that gets results, but that’s not what we’re going to talk about here.

The third type of person is someone I just stay away from. You know them and I appropriately call this type of person the jerk. They’re snarky, mean-spirited, drop loads of attitude on you while they think they know everything, and probably get off by making your life a bit miserable while they have your attention. There’s a way I like to deal with them too, but we’re not going to talk about that either.

How to deal with the attitudes of the three different types of people is specific training and experience reserved for my team, and you’ll have the chance to get access to that, but I brought up the three types so you can be aware of them, and understand that the reasons you get from people, even though they may seem negative, is not always because of the kind of person they are, but is often times a mindset, and that is what we’re going to talk about today. You can turn weak leads into a strong leads!

The Employee Mentality

Specifically we’re going to talk about resumes because it’s one of the largest producing lead generators out there, however a lot of people think that they’re weak leads, meaning you get a TON of them however very low conversations.

I don’t think they’re weak leads, I just needed to put myself in their frame of mind. Let me elaborate.

Like 99% of responses I get from resumes, when I talk about an “opportunity” or a “partnership”, they reply “what’s the job?” They’ll ask very specific questions like, “How much does it pay?” “What will I be doing?” and so on. Another question they’ll ask about or express frustration with are scams.

I’ve been asked, “is this a scam?” straight up, or in conversation they’ll say they’re tired of people just trying to scam them, and let’s face it. People on classified ads hunting for jobs are bombarded with people trying to get over on them, so you have to come correct when marketing to people who post their resumes or reply to help wanted ads.

Understand and attack the employee mentality

You have to understand the mindset and tailor your response to attack it. They’re looking for a job and they’re frustrated and on Craigslist or any site, they’re used to running into scammers, so you can’t approach them with any sort of hype and you can’t really draw them into a typical conversation either.

You also can’t approach them with the mindset of an entrepreneur – they simply won’t get it. And they aren’t broke, they just say they are. Now… there are some legitimate broke people out there like I was – just drained and borrowing money to eat.

But the rest? They aren’t broke, they just have a poor mindset and some messed up priorities that go with it. One of the “no” answers I get is “oh, naw. I don’t have the money for that kind of thing” or “I can’t afford to put money into stuff like that” – it’s not that they don’t have money to spend. It’s that they don’t see the value of investing in a business.

The challenge is learning how to attack that mindset head on. For example, I had a guy tell me that and I asked him, “oh? saving up for something special?” He said no, and that he wanted to buy something (can’t remember what it was), and I pulled a Dave Sharpe on him.

I said, Listen. Can I be real with you for a sec? Just totally honest. He said sure. Then I said, you’re looking to make money right? Job, opportunity, whatever… you want to make money right? He said yes. I replied, that thing that you’re going to buy.. Is it going to make you money over and over again, month after month?

It was like a minute wait before he answered, but he said no.

Then I told him my story and about how Empower costs less than a new video game or a night out to the movies to get started, and about the plan, and how he had a WHOLE MONTH to make 1 sale and break even.

When we were done talking he said, I get paid next Friday, give me the link.

This is just one example and the key here is to remember how you’re positioned. This person you’re speaking to is obviously looking for something that will help make money and get them to where they want to be. They are responding back to marketing for that purpose so your job is to show them the value in making a decision.

What Is Your Job To Deal With Weak Leads?

Your job is to make what you’re offering relevant to their situation and attacking the mindset you know you’ll run into so that at the very least, it makes sense to them. My conversations are short too. Only about 10 minutes long. Intense sometimes, but short.

Once a person realizes that it makes sense, there’s value in it and you’re genuine about helping them (more on that last one another time), they will ask you a TON of questions. Don’t answer but one or two of them.

The reason you don’t want to answer all of their questions is because if you answer all of their questions they’ll know all that they wanted to know and you never even got them into the presentations that will convert them. You don’t want them to make a decision on the phone or over email or chat, or however you’re communicating with them.

So when they start asking tons of questions, you want to put them into the funnel. One of my most effective ways of doing that is to be honest. I tell the person straight up that I’d love to answer any questions they have, but before I do, they need to learn more about the system and the people and the best way to answer the questions they have it so enter their email in the form and watch the video.

Be specific.

And be specific. If you know the video they’re going to watch is about 30 minutes long, tell them! Here’s an example.

“Hey John, before we get into answering your questions, there’s a process that everybody needs to go through. You ever have that hiring process when you apply for a job? This is kinda like that. Will you do something really quick for me? It won’t take long.” and I wait for an answer.

“I’m going to send you a link and I need you to enter your email and watch the video. It’s only about 30 minutes long and it will answer a lot of the initial questions you have and it will give you a better idea about who we are, what you’ll be doing, and after the video, if you have any questions I’ll answer any remaining questions you have and help you get started. Does that sound fair?”

If a person says no, don’t worry about it, don’t try to convince them. Again, remember your positioning. You are offering something of value and they are the ones who need it. If you start trying to convince and chase you’ll lose that positioning and credibility. Remember that you are the one with something to offer they they are looking for. They have the mentality of an employee speaking to a hiring manager – you have to leverage that positioning. I can’t stress that enough.

When someone says no I say, “Okay Sally, I appreciate you responding to the ad and it was a pleasure meeting you and talking with you, but the truth is I can only work with people who are coachable and willing to follow instructions. Every job and business has rules and guidelines. This isn’t any different. I wish you well on your search and hope you find what you’re looking for. You have a good day,” then I hang up.

Do not be afraid to say no and hang up the phone or end the conversation. It’s not mean. If you force them to do something they don’t want to do they’ll be unhappy and you’ll be unhappy, and if you get them into your business you did so by holding their hand and forcing them to and they will always expect that from you and you do not want to build an organization like that. It will suck the life out of you and everyone around you.

If the person says yes, tell them where to go and how to sign up and walk them through the process so they get it right. It’s that simple.

How To Get Access To The Rest Of The Training

I hope you enjoyed the insight in this blog post and find it useful. I gave you enough that if you use resume leads you can take immediate action to increase your conversions and if you don’t, you have enough that you can consider beginning.

As I’ve said, this is specific training for those that I work with and if you found value here, then I encourage you to click the link I’m about to share and work with me so you get access to the rest of the training, which covers mindset, psychology of sales, daily exercises, exclusive methods and more.

If you’re serious about growing your business and learning these strategies. If you want to see results not just for yourself, but for others as you build lasting business relationships that will outlast the majority of what’s out there, then you need the training that we offer.

Watch the video below, then click the link to get started.

The Shark, The Rabbit, and The Jerk - How To Attack The Employee Mentality and Deal With Weak Leads

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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