The Effects Of Video Games On The Brain

The Effects Of Video Games On The BrainThere aren’t many things that really get my attention in the realm of ‘scientific discovery’ very often. I mean, I like science, but keeping up with all of the discoveries is a full time job, especially when the best and juiciest stuff they don’t release to the public anyway…

Case and point – just what the heck did they find on mars anyway? – and if you find out PLEASE let me know?!

The Effects Of Video Games On The Brain? This got my attention. Could there be justification that all of the then lies about how video games were good for me be actually true? … just wait until you see the video!

Video Games on the Brain? GUILTY!

… At least that what I was told. But then again, when I was a kid that’s all I seemed to do. Point of fact video games on the brain could have been diagnosed as a disease if some happy-go-lucky doctor got his hands on me – no, seriously…

I was “THAT” kid that knew everything about almost every game for every platform and even though I didn’t have the money for subscriptions, I somehow always had the BEST strategies. Perhaps it was that notebook I wrote and kept that was filled with secrets, cheat codes and maps.

They invented “player’s guides” for people like me with video games on the brain ALL the time! When other kids were playing sports? I had a controller… but it wasn’t all fun and games either (no pun intended).

“It’ll Rot Your Brain” (Said of Video Games on the Brain)

Video games is serious business, and I don’t mean all of those kiddie tournaments I participated in that I mostly lost because of the Asian kid who smoked everybody. (I REALLY disliked that they took a whole month’s allowance time and time again – I mean at least work up a sweat!).

And I’m not talking about the fact that video games is now a billion dollar a year industry… serious business in that I got into SO much trouble to playing too much video games – still do come to think of it.

My point is, if you’ve got video games on the brain then surely you hear stuff like “that stuff will rot your brain” and a lot of other things. We gamers fire back with quick things like, “You know video gaming helps improve hand-eye coordination, right?

… yeah. I said that too! But as it turns out…

BTW: If you’re interested in finding out how this hard core gamer is making enough money to be a hard core gamer without leaving the chair? (No… seriously).. Click here now, and enter your email. I’ll send you some information.

Enjoy the video… I mean vindication!

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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