Proven Strategy To Close 95% Of Prospects Into Your Business

In yesterday’s post the topic was How To Inspire People and Build Your Influence. We talked about building trust beyond a skin deep level and making an emotional connection.

We also talked about using stories in two different ways:

  1. Using your own, personal, authentic story to empathize with a person.
  2. Using stories, metaphors and illustrations instead of facts to get a point across to the person you’re talking to.

We also left off by mentioning that when you’re able to connect with a person on a deeper level, that those sales go much easier; But more than that, on the leadership level, inspiring people is a great way to build influence, and your leadership ability is measured by influence.

Today we’re going to dig a little deeper into sales and closing sales, and take a look at proven strategies to close 95% of prospects into your business.

Proven Strategy To Close 95% Of Prospects Into Your Business

Proven Strategy To Close 95% Of Prospects Into Your Business

The first important thing to understand is that closing isn’t about what happens at the end of a call or at the end of the sales process. It’s about what happens at the beginning of the sales process when people first enter your funnel.

The very first step of the close happens at the beginning of the sales process because there are specific things you need to have in place in order to have a resistance free close.

A. Sales Mystery and Attraction.

You have to create enough mystery that people want to look at it. The best way I can explain this is to simply ask, who would you be more attracted to or go out with?

Fellas, is it the girl that’s just there like everyone else? Or is it that girl with a bit of mystery to her, the one you can’t quite figure out and is just intriguing?

Ladies, it’s the same question. Who would you rather date? The plain old guy you run into, or the mysterious guy that has you curious, a bit exciting and keeps you on your toes now and again?

Your sales process has to do the exact same thing on the front end. Most people would opt in for the mysterious, intriguing title, or click on the ad that builds curiosity. A perfect example is the free guide I give away.

Which would you rather click on? The ad that says Click here to learn social media marketing, bookmarking and SEO strategies or would you rather click on the ad that says, Click here now to discover seven “game changing” strategies proven to produce more traffic, leads and sales?

It’s a no-brainer right?

This is why you shouldn’t follow up with people right away. You want to build mystery, you want to create a situation where they want to talk to you.

Ever chase someone on the phone? You call ’em up a few times, “hey did you watch that video?” They say no so you tell them to watch it and you call them up again, “hey did you watch that video, what did you think?” and over and over.

That’s not attractive. Chasing leads is not attractive. You want to be attractive, you want them to chase you, not the other way around, and creating mystery is the way to do that.

As a rule, you should always be busy. When someone calls you don’t be afraid to say, “Hey, Ron (or whatever their name is), I’m glad you called. Hey listen, I’m a bit busy right now, can you call me back in an hour?

And when they call back be busy again, “Hey, I know I told you to call in an hour but I got tied up with something here. I really want to talk to you but I need to finish this. Can you call me back in about 30 minutes?

And if they say okay send them to the video or something else that can close them. “Thank Ron. I’ll tell you what. In the meanwhile, I want you to go to this video and when you call back we can talk some more, will you do that for me?

By the time that they call back, they’re hungry to talk to you.

B. It’s Not What You Say, But How You Say It.

There’s a huge misconception that you need to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING in your business, but here’s the truth – most people don’t care about facts.

They don’t care who the founder’s family is or how many tiers and levels there are. They don’t care about who’s got what car and ring and how many widgets you move every month. They don’t care about the specific BBB rating and the history of the company.

That stuff might be relevant to a point, but people don’t buy off of facts. They buy because they have a connection to you. Remember what we said yesterday, that people follow people? That people want something real?

You don’t have to know the answer to every single question.

In fact, the less you say it’s probably the better, because there is a psychological mechanism at work. If you have the answer to every question, people will keep asking questions and once they get enough information they will say, “You know what? That’s all I need to know. I know what this is“, and you haven’t even had the opportunity to sell them.

And just like that, they’re gone.

One of the thing I learned from my mentors is to not answer too many questions for precisely that reason. I learned that when people are just kind of asking questions endlessly it’s probably because they’re afraid to make a decision and this is your opportunity to move the sales process forward and get to the close.

So you’re talking to a lead either on the phone or via chat and going back and forth during emails and they just keep asking questions, what do you do?

I learned to interrupt that pattern with a question of my own to bring them to a point of decision making.

I’ll ask, “hey Bob? If I answer this question for you, will it be enough for you to get started?

They may dance around and say, “well I also want to know this too.

Okay. If I answer this question and the next one after that, will it be enough for you to get started?

Now, regardless of whether or not they say yes or no, I will answer those couple of questions and say, “Okay. Are you still in front of your computer? Let’s go ahead and get you started.

You have to be able to transition from the sale to the closing and if the person is just there avoiding making a decision, you have to move the process along to that point.

Don’t be afraid to ask them to make a decision and by assuming the scale, if there is rapport that person will probably make a buying decision.

C. It’s Not About How Many People You Call, But How Many People You Connect With.

The other misconception is that if you talk to enough people that you’d be successful.

When I first joined my business and started creating momentum, I was to the point where I was earning a couple levels below me and what happened was that people started noticing.

A few of them sought me out at one of the company events asking for my advice, asking me to help them do what I was doing. At the time I was now beginning to study sales. A few of them were making decent money and I wanted to learn that so I agreed to work the back end while they teach me the front end.

It wasn’t long until I figured out what their problem was. They were buying leads and playing a number’s game. They were on the phone all day calling these leads and working their butts off. They made money, sure, but they weren’t converting they way they should.

And I counted, they were paying a lot of money for these leads lists and only converting 2 to 3 percent of calls. The majority of them weren’t interested, and when they were, they were met with so many objections and obstacles it was impossible to close at a higher rate.

The truth is that x amount of calls doesn’t equal x amount of money, and neither does walking around pitching people about your product or service or opportunity.

Some people are looking for the magic formula to closing people, thinking it’s about facts and having the information or saying the right things, but it’s not true and at best you’ll get lucky and make a sale or two.

The last thing you want to do is play a number’s game with your business…

So what IS the secret to closing?

The Secret To Closing.

If you want to know the real secret to closing, here it is. It’s getting the right person, at the right point in the sales funnel, at the right time in their life, on the phone with you.

Think about it for a second. Which do you think is easier for you to close?

  1. Closing a traditional prospect (like from walking around meeting people, hitting up your friends and family, a cold call, etc) or a cold call, or
  2. Closing someone who’s on your site looking for a solution to something that’s going on their their life?

Obviously it’s the second, right?

What if you can reach out to a person who is looking for what you have to offer, the moment they are looking for it, and they enter your sales funnel?

If almost every lead you received or generated was someone who was looking for what you have to offer RIGHT NOW, how powerful would that be? How many people do you think you can close if you had an army of people looking for what you have to offer, ready to be closed?

So In Closing…

None of this works if you don’t form a connection more than skin deep. Use your stories, be authentic, be empathetic, learn to illustrate. When leads come in, don’t be desperate, learn to build mystery and anticipation, assume the sale and don’t be afraid to lead the conversation to the close.

In your marketing, lay off the hype and in the sales process don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” – it’s not about having the gift of gab and saying what you think people want to hear. It’s about making real connections with people and connecting with them at the right time, at the right point in the sales process.

These strategies are proven to work, time and time again, and with time you only get better and better and better.

3 Psychological Closes That Simply Work

Normally, this is the part where I ask you to join a business but I’m not going to do that today.

At this specific point, after teaching what you just learned, the most asked question I am asked is actually about how to get those leads to your blog in the first place, followed by the question of what to write so that people, when they see your ad or your blog post or status update, etc. they opt in for more information.

So here’s what I’ve done…

I’ve put together a very special e-book training that will teach you the following:

  • How To Drive MASSIVE Qualified Traffic From Facebook
  • A Thousand Headlines, Openers and Closes That You Can Apply RIGHT NOW To your Sales Letters, Blogs, Etc.
  • Three Psychological Closes That Simply Work.

Now… pay attention!

– You’re getting the e-book, but included with that bundle is an entire video series that teaches you step by step how to sell anything on the Facebook timeline (including hundreds of real, converting ads that you can reference).

– You’ll get physical software that you can use to build top-notch sales content for your blog, for sales letters, for emails and more.

– And you’ll get high end training on three psychological closes that work on the phone, over chat and anywhere else.

Altogether the value is around $1100 dollars. I’m offering you the entire bundle for just $100 for a limited time only!

BONUS: When you complete this offer, you will be invited to join a secret group of entrepreneursa private mastermind of men and women from all walks of life, all over the world sharing strategies and information that you won’t find anywhere else.

Depending on when you’re seeing this, this offer may be gone, or worse, the training itself may or may not even be available anymore, so act right now and take advantage of this offer.

Here’s what you do next…

  1. Click here and purchase the course for just $997 $100.
  2. After you purchase, click here and forward a copy of your receipt to [email protected].
  3. CHECK YOUR EMAIL for my reply. It will include the e-book, the software, and a link to join the private mastermind.

So click the link and purchase the course, forward a copy of your receipt to [email protected], then check your email for my personal follow up.

Click here now to get started >>

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.


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