Lance Armstrong: Stranger than Fiction. Did Mashable Fall For A Prank?

Lance Armstrong: Stranger Than Fiction. Did Mashable Fall for a prank?So, with the all of the news and events that happened this weekend… the presidential inauguration, Martin Luther King Jr remembrance and celebration, me almost choking on my root beer, and other noteworthy events, it seems that the “Oprah effect” has kept Lance Armstrong’s doping confession and story at the top of the news.

So it’s Tuesday morning, and all weekend long, all I’ve seen is this article from Mashable, about a sign that was placed in an Australian library (left) moving all Lance Armstrong Titles to the fiction section.

Lance Armstrong: Stranger than Fiction. Did Mashable Fall For A Prank?

To quote,

Following Lance Armstrong’s doping confession to Oprah on Thursday, an Australian library has moved all books about the American cyclist from the nonfiction section to the fiction section.

Manly Library in Sydney posted a notice to all readers informing them that all books about Armstrong would be recategorized, The Australian reports.

“All non-fiction Lance Armstrong titles, including Lance Armstrong: Images of a Champion, The Lance Armstrong Performance Program and Lance Armstrong: World’s Greatest Champion, will soon be moved to the fiction section,” the sign says.
– Source: Mashable

Lance Armstrong Doping Confession to Oprah Winfrey

For those of you that didn’t see the confession, here is a clip of his interview with Oprah Winfrey.

So here’s where fact gets stranger than fiction.

The above story didn’t just circulate… in true Mashable style, it went viral with more than 10 thousand shares, not including the 9,000+ Facebook likes and tweets, but here’s the thing.

Did Mashable editor fall for a prank about this story with Lance Armstrong’s books being re-classified and moved to the fiction section?

It seems that the answer is a resounding yes!

On Sunday the 20th, BBC News released the story that yes, indeed it was a prank.

And just yesterday, Time Newsfeed also reported the same, officially making this the biggest prank of the year so far, and showing that librarians, despite all talk to the contrary have quite the sense of humor!

(And to think I was going to write about President Obama being the first two-term president to take oath of office four times).

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Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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