We’ve all heard of secret santas and mystery gift givers – strangers who wish to be anonymous in their kindness. Amidst all of the bad news we get hit with every day, this one helped restore someone’s faith in humanity.
Imagine sitting at dinner in a restaurant with your family enjoying dinner – just an ordinary night out when the phone rings. It’s your doctor and he has some very bad news about the results of your last check up.
That’s no story…
In a Boston restaurant, a diner overheard a mother and daughter receive some bad news on a call just like that one, and they started crying mid-meal. But instead of walking away or ignoring it, the mystery diner did something else.
He quickly scribbled, “Do me a favor and bring me their check too. Someone just got diagnosed. Don’t tell them,” on a piece of paper and handed it to the waiter.
Impressed by his customer’s act of kindness, the waiter posted the note on Reddit with the comment, “While waiting tables tonight, a mother and daughter started crying mid-meal. I had no idea what happened until a single guy at the table next to them handed me this note with his bill. Faith in humanity, restored.”
Later, the waiter, (known as Whiskkas on Reddit) added, “I waited until the guy left and told them he had taken care of their check, and that he said best wishes, which was what he said to do on the note he wrote me on his second bill. The mother cried even harder, I almost lost it.” [Source]
The kindess of strangers always amazes me there are lots of good people out there you just have to connect with them.