So here’s the thing… this post isn’t for everyone. In fact, the strategies that I mention here, you probably won’t understand unless you’re a geek like me. I’m a programmer and a musician so I think a little outside of the box.
On one side I have a very strong analytic and detailed-oriented, programmer’s brain, and on the other I have a very curious and creative musician’s brain, so some of the things I come up with when I set my mind to it are… well? Probably unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
And here’s why I’m writing this post… I’m TIRED of having to simplify everything I do and I’ll explain right now.
Ever since I became an entrepreneur and became involved with Internet marketing as a result, there’s always been one big theme that everyone follows. That is, “it’s simple” and “it’s easy to follow” or “anyone can do it,” and as I’ve had my breakthroughs and have grown into becoming a person that walks in purpose, I’ve come to understand something.
I’m not simple and I’m not just “anyone” – heck, I LIKE complicated. That’s why I became a programmer; that’s why I enjoy playing music and composing on sheet music instead of push-button software; it’s why I feel great playing “brainy” games like chess and minesweeper; it’s why I like puzzles and mysteries that drive most people bonkers.
I am a complicated person and a complicated thinker.
I’m built this way, and one of the things that really frustrated me was that I really can’t grasp “simple” when it comes to strategy – not that there’s anything wrong with simple mind you, it’s just that I personally feel the most satisfaction and sense of purpose and accomplishment by achieving things that suit my complicated personality.
So recently I had to ask myself a few questions that really made me change up a lot of the things that I did.
A few of the questions I had to ask myself were, “what’s wrong with complicated?”
“If I’m a geek, why can’t I stick with strategies that work best with how I think and do things?”
And recently, “what if I could create new strategies just for geeks, nerds and complicated thinkers just like me?”
Personal growth is a must for anyone who’s serious about their business, no matter what it is. You have to learn, you have to invest, you have to grow and you have to discover your purpose and understand your own potential to have success… so why it is that so many people stick to simple?
And moreover, why is it that anything complicated seems taboo in the marketing world?
If I’m a geek, shouldn’t I be able to leverage being a geek to grow my business? Besides… what’s the point of being a programmer and engineer if I can’t take advantage of it to get the IT edge over most people in my market?
After all, it plays out in my results.
I’ve been building my business for a while and it’s making money, and when I look at who my team members are, most of them have come out of what most people would say is “too complicated,” for example, I put a lot of time into trial and error testing an idea, only to release a strategy guide that was downloaded more than 10,000 times in the past month because of it.
Yes it’s very techie and you need to set up stuff and have the right software and the right configurations but guess what? It works! I call it “Seed Marketing” and I’ll teach it to you in a bit.
Another strategy I created I like to call the “Reverse-Classified Lead Generation Method.” Again, it’s a bit technical and will be hard for most people to follow, but it works!
I’ve started more conversations with people interested in my business than any other strategy using this method, and the funny thing is that most people? They say that it’s a “weak” method because they can’t get it to work – when the truth is that it does work… if you’re a bit of a geek and have the right sales training under your belt.
Real numbers. In just an hour per day I’ve been able to reach hundreds of people per week and convert about 2% of them to sales; and these aren’t just any kind of lead either. They aren’t names on a list somewhere, they are what I call “conversational” leads, or people who are approaching you for more information and want to talk to you.
So here’s the thing…
When the rest of the Internet marketing world wants to focus on simple, I’ve decided to focus on what I do best – complicated and create strategies for people just like me – geeks, nerds and other complicated thinkers, because… well? Why not?
Who better to create and innovate than people who naturally create and innovate? Heck, if it wasn’t for protocols and standards created by us, there wouldn’t even be an Internet or any of the cool stuff we enjoy, so it’s time to show the world again why we will always be the only building in the middle of a blackout with electricity
Are you a geek, nerd or complicated thinker like me? Do you want to learn how to make money using “geek” strategies to get an advantage in your business? Then now is the time to get involved! Enter your name and email on this page, watch the video and join my team! It’s just $25 bucks to get started and when you’re in, you’ll received access to some of my own personal strategies you can start using today to generate income working from home.