Developing The Leader Within You

Developing The Leader Within You

Developing The Leader Within You

I don’t make resolutions; I make decisions and take massive action.” Dexter Nelson

When I started out this year I heard a lot about resolutions, but the truth is, most resolutions? They’re temporary. Nothing but a distraction for a few weeks.

You see, most people start out with great intentions and set high goals to achieve, often to the detriment of the things they enjoy doing.

They’ll make a resolution to loose weight and they stop eating all of the foods they love, start a gym membership and workout routine that they can’t keep up with, or they’ll go on some extreme diet, and when the pressure is on, they quit.

Some will make resolutions to start a business and make tons of money, but when the challenges of running a business start to weigh on them, they quit.

People make all kinds of resolutions: to loose weight, start a business, eat healthier, spend more time with family, fix broken relationships… the list goes on, but the majority of them fail.

But here’s the thing… that was my life, and believe me when I say it’s not an easy thing to say or admit to. I know a lot of people see the results of the work I’ve put in, but here’s the thing…

You don’t see the struggles that came before.

I’m a homeowner now, but you don’t see the year I lived in a lean-to plywood shack my family lived in after the house fire.

I work at home now, but you don’t see when I was working two full time jobs, seven days a week. I call them my zombie months because I had no concept of time at all and I was always so tired.

I eat pretty well now, but you don’t see the times where the only food on our table came from the charity of neighbors and the local church, and you don’t see the days where there was nothing to eat at all.

The success we see in others today are reflections of the transformations they have undergone. The money, the cars, the houses, the vacations.. all of the material things is not success. They are manifestations of success.

And to be successful, you have to become the person that would have those achievements.

What does this have to do with resolutions? EVERYTHING…

You see, to become a leader, you have to learn to achieve and gain a variety of skills, so that your resolutions go from being wishes and something you want to do, to being a decision and something you will achieve.

You will be surprised at how many people don’t get where they want to go, simply because they haven’t decided to move yet.

I started this year like I always do, and so many have done, with resolutions. What changed this year for me is that I knew something that I didn’t know before.

That is, my success is limited by my leadership ability. It’s called the law of the lid. In other words, in order to have the things of a successful person, I have to become a successful person in order to achieve them.

That meant becoming a leader, and developing the leader within me. The only other option is to work harder and harder and harder, but there are only so many hours in the day I can work, and to be honest, the whole reason I got into business in the first place was to free up my time and make more money.

Working harder and harder and harder simply isn’t an option.

I know what I want to accomplish this year and I’ve made the decision to commit to them, no matter what. I talk about them here.

And now that I’ve started the lifelong journey of leadership I wanted to share what I’m learning with you, but first…

Developing The Leader Within You

I want to challenge you this year to walk with me through this year of leadership. Not only do I want to see you start the journey to becoming a leader, I’d like for us to take that journey together.

I want to share insights, lend resources, and more as you begin developing the leader within you…

It’s a serious commitment to undertake, and it’s not for everybody, so be absolutely sure before you jump.

You have to jump…

And now that you’ve decided, here’s what you do next…

1. Read this for some useful leadership tips (add me as a friend or follow if necessary): Click here >>

2. Purchase Dark Post Profits, and join almost 6,000 other leaders who have jumped and are committed: Click here >>

3. Get this book – “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John C. Maxwell.

It’s the first book in our new book of the month club.

Make the decision to make 2015 a fantastic year and achievement. Make the jump, follow those three steps and run with me in 2015.

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.


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