Beating The Monday Morning Blues (Slight Dilemma – Major Win)

Happy Monday everybody. Question… Ever have the Monday morning blues? No I’m not talking about depression or drama or any ‘post party weekend’ after effects. I’m not even talking about trouble getting out of bed. I mean you’re at work and the whole week ahead in a moment turns dreary on you.

That was me, but before I tell you my dilemma, you have to understand a couple things.

Before The Monday Morning Blues

I’m a small business owner, so in the middle of the fun I was having this weekend, I was brainstorming and planning and imagining all of the momentum I was going to create in my business, and all of the results I was going to get from it. Almost needless to say I was pumped up.

So this morning I was up at 7 AM ready and fired up to get to work, turned on the computers (I turn them on first thing), went to brush my teeth and clean up, grabbed a cup of coffee, came back and sat down to start working…

An hour later I was still on Youtube watching music videos and surfing Facebook posts. Has this ever happened to you?

I know I’m not the most focused person in the world but I had a plan! I laid out my whole day and it’s not like I don’t know what I have to do (I do), and when I look at the time it’s almost 9 AM.

You ever get in a semi-panicky state and loose all sense of direction?

You guessed it. I did. Suddenly I’m 2 hours behind on my own schedule so I get mad at myself. I shut down everything that isn’t work-related and got to work with what I was supposed to be doing all along (no this isn’t the dilemma, but we’re getting there).

Here’s my day… fair warning, I work from home and I’m an entrepreneur so it’s NOT the typical work day.

1. Learn something – I know that sounds really cheesy but personal development makes you sound smart when all you think about most of the time are music, movies, and video games, (hey! Don’t judge me!); besides, I figure that if I’m to continue being successful I need to know stuff, right?
2. Write a blog post – you’re reading it so I guess I’m batting 1,000 so far :)
3. Share it with my marketing plan – um… you’re reading it so you KNOW it’s a great marketing plan too!
4. Post some free classifieds – and when I say some I mean like 100 of them. It’s a daily thing I do AND I learned something new from my personal development I want to try, (#1 comes in handy already).
5. Personally contact about 50-100 people and do some networking – probably doing that now as you’re reading this, so I’m pretty sure the batting average is still secure at this point.

Why 100 people? glad you asked! This is the number I calculated to be the number of people I needed to reach every day, consistently in order to reach my level of success. I won’t go into the formula and math here, but think about most small companies that are going 6 figures a month in income, they have on average 100 people a day that are engaged.

It doesn’t mean 100 people are customers, it just means that there is a rapport with the business and that person, and as time goes by, word of mouth builds, marketing compounds over time, and by month 3 or 4 from the day you started you have more business you can handle (provided the marketing is right and you’re consistent).

6. Empower Hour Monday nigh call – if you haven’t been on one of these they’re pretty great for hearing success stories, getting fired up to face the week ahead, and learning a bit of marketing strategy while you do – but I’m not there yet. It’s still the morning so I gotta hold on.

Seriously… #6? Best way to beat the Monday Morning Blues. It’s at 9 PM EST but you have to call in a few minutes early because this is pretty much packed every week. Go ahead and call in tonight – 209-255-1040.

So here’s my dilemma…

While I’ve created a good measure of success and I’m doing all this, my mind wanders as it’s prone to do, and suddenly, for whatever reason, I start thinking that I don’t know what I’m doing and I default back to research mode and I’m looking up stuff that I’ve been doing every day for months and feeling really unsure about all that I’m doing.

For those of you that don’t know me, this isn’t me at all. I’m the guy that, the harder the pressure is, the better I get. I’m the guy that, if it isn’t a challenge, I get bored and go looking for something else. Feeling unsure of myself isn’t me so the Monday Morning blues of this flavor is really outside of character.

Fortunately for me this was short-lived. I remembered a couple things that I wanted to share with you and everyone else that runs into the Monday Morning Blues of every ilk.

Kick the Monday Morning Blues in the Teeth!

It’s one thing to be motivated and be pumped up for the day or week ahead. It’s another to stay that way while you’re in it, and you have to learn how to kick doubts, fears, worries, and negativity in the teeth before they grab hold.

What happened to me happens to a lot of people – they face momentary doubts about themselves, but here is where I’m different, and I know this will sound cheesy, but I have a dream.

A dream that, when I lost my job a couple years ago and was facing all sorts of hardship, wouldn’t let me take the easy way out when I wanted to because I knew that the easy way out meant 3-4 hours a day commuting, doing menial work, putting up with pushy bosses and smiling in the faces of people you know wouldn’t be there if they had a choice too.

A dream that wouldn’t let me settle for the status quo of a blue collar 40-hour week with some overtime, rotating and graveyard shifts like I used to have, coming home too tired to do much of anything and enough pay to barely cover the bills.

Does anyone REALLY want to work like THAT for the rest of their lives? Or at least until you’re 73-75 depending on if some politicians get their way…

I remembered where I was at the beginning of last year. I was 3 months behind and in debt, desperate for a way to make money and I found it after trying and failing at so many things.

I remembered where I was at the beginning of this year. I was well on my way to being debt free and repairing my credit.

A few months later I’m here working from home and blogging in my bedroom and this little “Internet thing” and blogging was paying my personal bills.

A lot of people claim that they work from home and all of that stuff and it’s really hard to believe, so I wanted to show you where I work from.

I Work From Home - Beating The Monday Morning Blues

As you can see I don’t even have a real desk. Well I do but in all honesty I never used it.

The point to all of this is to get the message across that when you get discouraged it’s easy to fall back on what you used to do, so do what I did – focus on the successes you’ve created and it helps to have a dream to focus on. It really does set you up to stay motivated and keep moving forward.

But what if you don’t have any successes to fall back on?

Forgive me for being blunt here, but maybe it’s about time you started creating them…

Look. Maybe you were laid off like me or you’re still out there working crazy hours trying to make ends meet; maybe you’re just sick and tired and looking for a way out, or just trying to find a way to make some money.

No matter what your situation is you have to do something is you’re not where you want to be, or, like me – you realize the road you’re on isn’t going to take you where you want to go; not just for yourself, but for your family and loved ones.

Do I make any guarantees that you’ll make a ton of money when you click the button below, watch the video, and lock arms with me? No I’m not simply because I don’t know what type of person you are.

Some people do nothing, some do just enough to get small results, and some people see an opportunity and leave everyone else playing catch up. Which are you?

All I can say is that if you’re willing to work for it and do what we teach you, you can succeed financially, and you can see this every week like me.

weekly commissions - Beating The Monday Morning Blues

Here’s what to do next…

1. Click the link below.
2. Watch the free video.
3. Get started right now.

Click Here Now

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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