If Facebook Went Down Today, Would Your Business Be Over?

What If Facebook Went Down?

There are a lot of people who bank on Facebook alone to build their businesses, but what if Facebook went down? Would you still make money?

Would your business shut down and your income stop because of one site?

Well, the unthinkable happened just a short while ago…

I was in the middle of talking to a contact, just chatting, when there were a series of errors, and then it happened.

Facebook went down!

… and I couldn’t help but wonder, how many marketers were crapping themselves at that very moment.

Childish, I know, but it’s a serious question to ask. Are you building your business with heavy reliance on just one or two big sites?

And what if it was permanent?

If you are reliant on just one or two sites, what happens when the unthinkable happens? Like when Facebook went down just now?

Listen folks….

Stop building your business around any one thing. Don’t let any one site or person decide your level of income, except for yourself.

Facebook Went Down? So what?

there are plenty of options out there…

Hey, do you want to learn real marketing strategies that will keep the income flowing now matter what happens?

If you do, I have the solution for you

Click on the banner at the top and watch the free video.

Then, keep an eye on your inbox, because after you opt-in, I’m going to send you a free copy of my online marketing strategy guide, which will show, STEP BY STEP, strategies you can take right now, to get more traffic, leads and sales.

You gotta have a game plan and this is it.

Click on the banner at the top and watch the free video now.

I’ll say it again… Facebook went down? So what?

Click here now and learn about strategies that will keep the income flowing, no matter what happens…

~ Dexter

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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