Big Brother Is Watching & Sees The Best In All Of Us Too!

Big Brother Is Watching

What Will Big Brother See Today

This is a really quick post about what “big brother” watches, and sees… I hope you’re surprised and awed by how cool people can really be. With all of the negative news about how big brother is watching and all of the political and conspiracy talk, I ran across a very cool video today that kinda renews my hope in people.

Click play to see people stealing kisses, music addicts, harmless soldiers, honest pickpockets, potato chip dealers and much more.

Big Brother Sees Sacrifice Too

When I found the video earlier it was just another really cool video I saw online somewhere. I don’t even know who the original poster was, but I thought about random acts of kindess and started searching for acts of kindness caught on tape, and found this.

Two tours in Iraq and just returned from Afghanistan, the final act of a police officer who was killed moments after a random act of kindness, and big brother was there to see that incredible moment, and the life he affected because of it.

Performing random acts of kindness isn’t something that comes easily to many because we are all in a society where it’s easier to be by ourselves, and we naturally regress around strangers. With exception to the most naturally outgoing, these traits are something that the rest of us learn, both in our business and our personal lives.

This is why I blog and share with others my own life an my experiences. This is why I invested in my education and learned how to engage people and build up others, and applied it not only to myself, but to my business.

Big brother doesn’t have to be watching for you to do the same. Isn’t it time you unleashed your INNER __________ ? (Fill in the blank).

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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